Access to Venue
1. From Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport to Széchenyi István University

(1) Airport Shuttle Bus – Metro - Inter-city Rail RJX – Bus
From Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport, walk 3 min (150m) to station: Liszt Ferenc Airport 2, take airport shuttle bus 100E Airport Express, get off at Kálvin tér M (30 min); walk about 3 min to the Metro station: Kálvin tér M, take Metro M4 (towards Keleti pályaudvar), get off at Keleti pályaudvar M; Walk from Keleti pályaudvar M to Budapest-Keleti (3 min), take Inter-city Rail RJX to Győr (about 1h 20 min); Walk from Győr station to Aradi vértanúk útja, szökőkút (about 10 min); take bus No. 11, get off at the 3rd stop: Széchenyi István University (or just walk from Győr station to Széchenyi István University, about 1.2miles, 24 min.).

Note: Airport Shuttle Bus 100E operates 24 hours a day, about every 15 minutes during the day, every 30-40 minutes at night. Ticket price: 2200 HUF.

(2) Taxi - Inter-city Rail RJX – Bus
From Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport, take a Taxi to Budapest-Keleti (Railway Station), take Inter-city Rail RJX to Győr (about 1h 20 min); Walk from Győr station to Aradi vértanúk útja, szökőkút (about 10 min); take bus No. 11, get off at the 3rd stop: Széchenyi István University (or just walk from Győr station to Széchenyi István University, about 1.2miles, 24 min.).

2. From Vienna International Airport (Austria) to Széchenyi István University

Inter-city Rail RJX - Inter-city Rail RJX – Bus (2h 16 min)
From Vienna International Airport, walk 2 min to Flughafen Wien Bahnhof, take Inter-city Rail RJX (towards Innsbruck Hbf), get off at Wien HBF (about 20 min); take Inter-city Rail RJX (towards Budapest-Keleti) to Győr, get off at Győr (1 h 10 min); Walk from Győr station to Aradi vértanúk útja, szökőkút (about 10 min); take bus No. 11, get off at the 3rd stop: Széchenyi István University (or just walk from Győr station to Széchenyi István University, about 1.2miles, 24 min).